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The story behind King Willonius and his AI hit, BBL Drizzy

todayJune 6, 2024 20

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In a recent interview, King Willonius, a multifaceted comedian and tech enthusiast, shared his journey from childhood inspirations to groundbreaking intersections of comedy and artificial intelligence (AI). Known for his innovative project BBL Drizzy, an AI-generated song that became a viral sensation, his story is one of relentless creativity, perseverance, and the seamless merging of humor with cutting-edge technology.

Early Inspirations and Comedy Beginnings

King Willonius discovered his comedic talent at a young age, drawing inspiration from making his parents and friends laugh. He initially aspired to be an actor but was influenced by watching stand-up comedians like Martin Lawrence. His comedic style, however, diverged from the physical comedy of his early influences, leaning more towards observational humor inspired by comedians such as Paul Mooney, Dave Chappelle, and Patrice O’Neal. “I remember watching Martin and thinking I could do something like that,” he recalls. “But my stand-up style isn’t like Martin’s at all. It’s more about good writing and observational humor.”

The Unexpected Path to Coding and AI

King Willonius’s journey took an unexpected turn when he delved into coding and AI. This new path began in 2017 when he watched a captivating video featuring two robots debating the future. This encounter sparked a curiosity that led him to pursue a different field from his comedic roots.

“I saw a video of two robots debating the future, and it just hit me—I needed to learn how to code,” he recounts. “It wasn’t a gradual interest; it was an immediate realization.”

Driven by this newfound interest, King Willonius enrolled in a coding bootcamp in Miami called Wyncode. Despite having no prior coding experience, he was determined to immerse himself in this new discipline. The decision to join the bootcamp was spontaneous. On a Thursday, he contacted the bootcamp about joining a cohort that was starting the following Monday. He completed the application process swiftly and was accepted by Friday, ready to embark on his coding journey the following week.

“The bootcamp was intense,” he admits. “Most of my classmates had some coding background, but I was starting from scratch. We began with around 30 students, but only about 12 of us finished. It was challenging, and there was a point where they suggested I might want to drop out because I wasn’t picking it up as quickly as others. But that just made me work harder.”

The bootcamp experience was transformative. King Willonius not only learned technical skills in coding but also developed a problem-solving mindset. This mindset, akin to the analytical approach in comedy, became a valuable asset in his creative process.

“Learning to think like a coder was a pivotal moment,” he reflects. “It taught me how to figure things out and approach problems systematically. Before the bootcamp, code looked intimidating, but afterward, I felt empowered to explore new technological tools and platforms.”

Exploring AI and Creative Applications

With his newfound coding skills, King Willonius ventured into AI. His fascination with AI was rooted in its potential to revolutionize creative fields. He began experimenting with various AI tools and technologies, exploring their applications in music, animation, and other creative domains.

“The reason I learned to code was because of AI,” he explains. “Seeing those robots debate made me realize the possibilities of AI in creative endeavors. It opened up a whole new world for me.”

One of his significant projects was the creation of BBL Drizzy, an AI-generated song that became a viral sensation. This project exemplified his ability to seamlessly blend comedy, music, and technology. King Willonius used AI-driven music generation tools to experiment with different styles and sounds, ultimately producing a track that resonated with a broad audience.

“I wrote all the lyrics and kept prompting different sounds until I found the right one,” he elaborates. “There are countless versions of BBL Drizzy, from gospel to Afrobeat. The final viral version was actually the second iteration.” 

Shortly after King Willonius released “BBL Drizzy,” Metro Boomin released an instrumental diss track of the same name on May 5, 2024, according to Billboard, marking a significant instance of AI sampling in mainstream hip-hop.

Innovative Projects and AI Integration

King Willonius’s innovative use of AI spans multiple creative domains, showcasing the versatility and potential of this technology. By integrating AI into his projects, he has pushed the boundaries of traditional comedy and explored new forms of artistic expression.

AI in Music Production

The creation of BBL Drizzy is a prime example of how AI can revolutionize music production. King Willonius leveraged AI tools to generate different versions of the song, each with unique stylistic elements. The process involved inputting various prompts and refining the outputs until he achieved the desired sound. This iterative approach allowed him to experiment with various musical genres and styles, resulting in a diverse and dynamic final product.

“Working with AI is like having an endless supply of creative collaborators,” he says. “You can explore so many different directions and refine your work in ways that would be incredibly time-consuming otherwise.”

AI-Driven Animation and Filmmaking

In addition to music, King Willonius has integrated AI into animation and filmmaking. He uses AI tools to generate realistic animations, special effects, and even entire scenes. This allows him to produce high-quality content with less time and resources traditionally required.

“AI has opened up new possibilities for storytelling,” he notes. “I can create complex visual effects and animations that enhance the narrative and bring my ideas to life in ways that were previously out of reach.”

For instance, he produced a short film with AI-generated animations that blended fantasy and comedy elements, reminiscent of “Game of Thrones.” The project showcased the potential of AI to create visually stunning and engaging content, drawing attention from a wide audience.

Collaborative Projects and Future Aspirations

King Willonius’s innovative approach has allowed him to participate in prestigious events and conferences. He has been involved in the MIT Reality Hack, an event that brings together creators and technologists to explore the potential of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR). His participation in this event allowed him to delve deeper into integrating AI with AR and VR, exploring new dimensions of storytelling and interactivity.”At the MIT Reality Hack, I was introduced to a bunch of new tools and technologies that I hadn’t heard of before,” he shares. 

Additionally, King Willonius has been a featured speaker at South by Southwest (SXSW), one of the largest and most influential conferences on technology, film, and music. His presentations at SXSW highlighted the intersection of comedy and AI, demonstrating how technology can enhance and transform artistic expression.

King Willonius also delivered a TEDx talk titled “Make Your Brain Twerk,” where he discussed brain hacks and productivity techniques from a comedic perspective. The talk was well-received and showcased his ability to blend humor with practical advice, further establishing his reputation as a thought leader in both comedy and technology.

“The TEDx talk was like my Comedy Central special,” he reflects. “It was a chance to present my ideas in a structured format and reach a wider audience with my unique blend of comedy and technology.”

King Willonius’s journey into coding and AI highlights the transformative power of technology in the arts. He has pioneered new creative frontiers by merging his comedic talents with his technical skills. His work demonstrates how AI can enhance artistic expression and broaden the scope of what is possible in comedy and music.

Looking Forward

As he continues to push the boundaries of comedy and technology, King Willonius remains focused on learning and creating. His aspirations include working with industry giants like Donald Glover, Kanye West, Issa Rae, and Jordan Peele. He envisions projects that blend psychological depth with cultural relevance, further cementing his place at the cutting edge of comedy and innovation.


Written by: Element Everest-Blanks

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